Our human body is made of five elements, Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), Akasha (Aether), Bhumi (Earth) and Jala (Water); and when there is disturbance in any of these elements, it can lead to an imbalanced mind and cause our body to suffer from diseases. Yog Mudras help us to balance these elements.
What is a Mudra?
A Mudra is a hand gesture that guides the energy flow to specific areas of the brain. There are many types of Mudras designed to bring different benefits, depending on what we specifically need. Mudras are done with breathing to increase the flow of Prana in the body.
Anjali Mudra
Anjali mudra is also known as Namaskara Mudra the gesture of greeting, prayer and adoration. Anjali in Sanksrit, has different meanings. These meanings may be for offering, a gesture of reverence, salutation. This particular term means to honor or to celebrate. The Namaskara or the Anjali Mudra is usually taken as the mudra of gesture of offering and devotion. It is also a gesture of prayer with the palms folded together. The Namaskara / Anjali mudra is also the gesture of greeting, prayer and adoration.